Melo’s Muses: Sequoia Emmanuelle

EPISODE No. 2: Sequoia Emmanuelle

Friendships have enriched my life like no other nourishment. The wide-eyed invitation to see another soul…to connect and express through conversation and co-creation is the stuff that gives my life color.  It seems the more I ‘show up’ to nurture these relationships, the more I get to enjoy a sense of upgraded well-being and expansiveness of spirit. These are the ingredients for creative magic and in the last few weeks, I’ve had the pleasure of co-creating some fun & fresh content.

With radiant health and fitness as my muse, my next campaign is pro-body with an emphasis on strength and physical embodiment. I owe the success of this photo story to my bosom buddy Sequoia. Her vision, talent, and inviting heart made all this possible. As you may guess we both are more familiar being behind the scenes but this time we took turns in front of and behind the camera.  I humbly admit it took some courage to get out of from behind my ‘insecurities’ when modeling, but I’m super stoked on the results and have realized in the process of letting go, that the fewer f*ks given, the more fun there is to be had.

Please enjoy listening to this candid and intimate interview with my dear friend Sequoia Emmanuelle; photographer-artist-model extraordinaire. Find out why she inspires me~ from her grand creative expression to her tender heart.

Boho Chic
Sequoia’s visually stunning art book captures a fearless generation of fashion, art, and music.

One Comment

  • Muses, thank you so much for this podcast. It was full of so much truth and beauty, I’m a little overwhelmed with emotion right now. If either of you ever doubted your power in the tribal fusion community, please doubt no more. You have significantly changed my life (and I know I’m not the only belly dancer that feels this way) forever. Sequoia, I’ve already told you this, but there is a picture you took of RB many moons ago that literally inspired me to get off my ass, go see The Indigo, and then become a soloist fusion dancer myself. I had this picture on my desktop at work and I would just stare at it all damn day. It filled my head with so much creative energy and inspiration!! Also, I’m obsessed with black hoods (blackhoodygrrl, duh) and I’ve been wearing an S&G black cowl hoody thingy on stage for almost every performance I’ve ever given…for the last ten years. Also, everyone always drools over the pictures you took of me. Thank you for that. Melodia, I met you for 5 seconds at Tribal Fusion Faire a decade ago but was too shy to strike up a conversation with you. Like Sequoia, I adore you as a model. Every single picture of you floating around the internet is stunning. STUNNING. But more importantly, you have changed my life for the better as far as shopping habits go. I unsubscribed from all my email blasts from “big” stores, I never ever go to the mall or buy fast fashion anymore. I only #shopsmall now. I only support independent designers that I truly love and it feels fantastic. I’m in love with everything in my closet now. I am so truly inspired by you and your creations and I really believe I dance better because of your clothes. Congrats on your beautiful collaboration. I love you both.


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