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As the mornings start to get a bit more chilly, I find myself craving a warm cozy breakfast as opposed to my usual blended protein smoothie. Since my nutritional goals also include maintaining a low-carb diet, I opted to rule out my beloved oatmeal. Thus, my quest for Paleo porridge began. After considering some inspiring recipes on the web, I decided to make my own adaptation, and I have been VERY happy with the results. Not only is this recipe delicious, with long lasting “go-power”, it’s also super nutritious and easy to prepare into single-serving batches for quick prep on the go.

As a matter of fact, I made a week’s worth of provisions for my Sweetie and me for our Airstream glamp-out at  Symbiosis Gathering. I prepped single serving batches of raw ingredients in reusable zip-lock baggies for quick and nutritious breakfasts on the go.
Chia Porridge

Here’s my recipe:

1 tablespoon Chia Seeds
1 tablespoon freshly ground Flax Meal
2 tablespoons freshly ground Almond Meal
2 tablespoons Unsweetened Shredded Coconut
2 tablespoons Hemp Seeds
Pinch of Vanilla Bean Powder
1 teaspoon Maca Powder
Pinch of Himalayan Sea Salt
Stevia to taste (I prefer granulated Truvia for this recipe)

Warm the ingredients in 1/2 cup water over stove top. Stir frequently while simmering for 3-5 minutes until thick and creamy.

I choose to use a coffee grinder to turn the flax and almonds into a meal/flour.

Important noteRaw nuts and seeds such as flax, for example, go rancid quickly and should be kept refrigerated and made only into small batches. Rancid oil turns into free radicals in the body, so this knowledge is important to consider when making recipes using these ingredients.

Paleo Porridge

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